2.25.14 Shop Update & An Announcement about Custom Orders

Hello all!

Sorry for my absence. For two straight weeks I was horribly sick… I had the flu and a sinus infection in tandem, and it’s taking me a long time to get over it.

There is a 4pmET shop update today though! I have a couple of things I need to share with you as well. But first, here is the preview…

2.25.14 Shop Update

2.25.14 Shop Update

Not shown here is one skein of “Bonnie Wee Thing” on Journey Sock, which is also in the update today. (The mosaic program I have just had room for 9… oops!) Today in the update there are two things that I especially want to draw your attention to, as they’re new colorways:

"Gracie Pearl" on Journey Sock

“Gracie Pearl” on Journey Sock

This colorway is called “Gracie Pearl” and is dyed in commemoration of my maternal grandmother, who passed down to me her love of crafting in all forms. The colors in this skein (lavender, deep purple, gold, turquoise, and natural white) are some of her favorites that she always surrounded herself with. There are two skeins in this lot, and I have lots more of this planned for future updates. The skein shown here and its mate are a bit lighter than the other lots of it I’ve dyed up so far, though, so if you like it you should definitely snap it up today!

"Phlox" on Journey Sock

“Phlox” on Journey Sock

Some of you that have been customers of mine for a while might recognize this colorway, as I’ve done it on fiber several times but have not put it up in the shop on yarn. It is dyed in shades of lavender, purple, and has a touch of pink with lots of natural white showing through. It is named for the “spreader flowers” that grow on the hill at my grandparents’ old house… I always loved them in the spring!

Another announcement I want to make is that (as some of you know) I am vending Stitches South in April, and this means that I have a LOT of work to do to get ready. Updates will probably be a little smaller until Stitches is over, and after February 28 I will not be able to take custom orders again until April 15 (the day after I get back from Stitches). All orders for “Bonnie Wee Thing” are already completed as of right now, and I only have a few skeins left to dye of “Birth of Venus”, so if you want to get in an order for a sweater’s quantity of something, please do so by the end of the day on February 28. After that date I won’t be able to put you on my dye schedule until I get back from Stitches. Thanks so much for your understanding!

All listings for today’s update are currently up in the shop in preview mode, and will go live at 4pmET. Thanks so much for your continued support!



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